Wastewater Heat Recovery Projects
Wastewater Heat Recovery Projects
Wastewater heat recovery project in Bloomsbury London
On behalf of a consortium of leading London Universities: SOAS, Birkbeck, University College London and University of London we delivered a wastewater heat recovery (WWHR) feasibility study based upon the trunk sewer in Bloomsbury, London.
The main purpose of the feasibility report was to establish the potential heat output from a WWHR system connecting into the trunk sewer below Bloomsbury Way.
We provided profiling, energy consumption, budget costs for the installation, maintenance budget costs, investigation into the London sewer network, close liaison with Thames Water, Analysis of the sewer, 12 months water monitoring and analysis, option appraisal for various sites to house the equipment, size and depth of wet well, traffic management and over pumping.
Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea London
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea employed us to carry out a concept stage wastewater heat recovery (WWHR) feasibility study based upon the sewers around the Lancaster West Estate (LWE), Kensington, London.
The main purpose of the feasibility report was to establish the potential heat output from a WWHR system connecting into a wastewater sewer.
Further to reviewing the wastewater sewer network, we analysed and monitored four locations for
potential connections.
We provided profiling, energy consumption, budget costs for the installation, maintenance budget costs, investigation into the London sewer network, close liaison with Thames Water, Analysis of the sewer, 12 months water monitoring and analysis, option appraisal for various sites to house the equipment, size and depth of wet well, traffic management, advise on utility diversions, system design advise and integration into the overall larger energy centre and heat network and over pumping.
Wastewater heat recovery project Inverness NHS Scotland
On behalf of a leading NHS Trust in Inverness, we assisted in the potential opportunity for wastewater heat recovery from hot water being lost from the laundry.
The objective was to reduce the carbon emissions being used to heat the water, reduce the amount of wastewater discharge, water usage and the associated costs from water usage and discharge.
Working with a specialist water filtration company to remove micro plastics from the water supply we designed a system to recover the heat from the wastewater, clean the water so it could be reused in the laundry process.
We believe this was the first of its kind in the world and is being embraced by the NHS.
Further details of this project cannot be explained due to the agreed confidentiality agreement.
Wastewater heat recovery project Inverness Castle Scotland
We reviewed the potential for a wastewater sewer heat recovery solution at the Castle on behalf of Inverness Council.
We provided a wastewater feasibility report which included the flowing:
- Reviewing the monitoring from the sewer at 5 minute intervals to establish a heat profile for
the sewer - Energy consumption for the system
- Budget costs for the installation
- Maintenance budget costs
- Analysis of the sewer
- Option appraisal for various sites to make the connection to the sewer
- Size and depth of wet well,
- Concept drawing including the size of the energy centre and the equipment
- Traffic management,
- Advise on utility diversions,
- System design advise
- Over pumping.
- Consideration to historic/ archaeological interests
Wastewater heat recovery project Stoke City Council
The solution provided is based upon installing a 2.2MW heat system derived from the wastewater within the sewer and was supported by Severn Trent Water.
We provided the 3D design of the energy centre in Revit to provide the high temperature solution with several heat pumps.
By providing the design we were able to provide the dimensions of the energy centre.
We provided the following:
- Liaised with the design team on the heat network
- Provided design advice relating to the heat network
- Presented and explained the wastewater heat recovery system
- Advised on the location of the energy centre
- Liaised with Seven Trent
- Revit design of the equipment and pipework in the energy centre
Wastewater heat recovery project Wessex Water – Bath England
We worked with this Water Utility Company to determine the viability to intercept a major wastewater sewer flow before it was disposed of.
Wastewater heat recovery project Holyrood Scotland
Looking into the opportunity to provide heat recovery from sewer wastewater to benefit a proposed heat network supplying the Holyrood district.
Wastewater heat recovery project Kent County Council England
Providing support for a heat from sewers solution at Maidstone, in Kent.
Get in touch with our team Here for more information.